恋愛に対する怖さが軽くなりました - I no longer fear love
苦手な人への苦手意識を無くしたい...10年の悩みが消えました - I want to get rid of the feeling that I'm not good at people... 10 years of worries have disappeared
言いたいことも言えないのはただの思い込みだと気づきました -  I realized that I can't say what I want to say, it's just my preconceptions
面倒なことを先延ばしにしてしまう癖を何とかしたい!- I want to do something about my habit of procrastinating troublesome things
将来の漠然とした不安が軽くなりました! - The vague anxiety of the future has become lighter!
やりたいこと、好きなことが見つかりました!- I found what I want to do and what I like!
上司との関係がうまくいかずに本当に追い込まれていました... - His relationship with his boss didn't go well and he was really driven into a corner...